We turn struggling music producers into high performing artists releasing on the worlds biggest labels.

Let us show you how!


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The FMM Membership


The Finish More Music Membership is Keith Mills’ signature training system and online community that has helped thousands of music producers transition from finishing little or no music to regularly releasing their tracks.


Who is behind FMM

A mentor, music producer, ghost writer, product specialist and founder of Quantize Courses, a market-leading music school.

I’ve spent the last 10 years helping music producers who are unhappy with their results turn into high performers.

My ethos is on working smarter, not harder, in order to take the biggest steps towards your music goals.

The Finish More Music system takes my experience of working with thousands of music producers and distills it down into the essential strategies and workflows that make all the difference to a music producer’s success. I pride myself on making things simple and clear and Finish More Music is about driving you forward with a clear, step by step path that leverages your existing knowledge and skills and gets you realising your potential to finish better and better tracks.


Testimonials from FMM Members

Recent Posts from the blog

FMM 206 – The Bigger the Breakthrough

So we are deep into a story together… A story of the darkest must tumultuous time in my life.   A time that almost ended me.  And now things are about to get very, very weird,  It starts with an event that spiralled me into panic followed by multiple appointments with the UK’s top specialists.  And…

FMM 205 – The Bigger the Breakdown… Part II

It’s time for the second half… …of the story that breaks down why I disappeared online. I know that the first half was a little unnerving. Many people reached out to tell me so. And we are going there again. But this time, it’s even deeper AND, I suspect if your like most,  even darker….

FMM204 – The bigger the breakdown….

WE… ARE … BACK! Hello, It’s been a while! 18 months to be precise. After 4 years of never missing a beat and recording an episode of the podcast every single week…We suddenly disappeared. Why? It’s a big question and it deserves a big answer. In this podcast, I will share with you the reason…

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